Ooni pizza oven range
Ooni pizza oven range

The Innovations that Help Ooni Ovens Bring the Heat

Flour, salt, water, yeast and heat. These are the building blocks of pizza. But it’s the last one, heat, where the magic happens. Heat turns a pale, blobby lump of dough into a hot, fresh, mouthwateringly delicious pizza. Delivering the right kind of heat in the right way can be tricky.

That’s why Ooni has been perfecting the art of building home pizza ovens for over ten years. We’ve experimented, tweaked, and tested our ovens so they bring the heat and make great homemade pizza possible for everyone everywhere. Here are just some of the ways we design our ovens to deliver great results and pizza-making experiences.

Taming the Flame

Traditional, solid-fueled pizza ovens, like those found in Naples, utilise a dome-shaped structure to circulate hot air and heat the baking surfaces. 

Ooni ovens operate similarly but on a scale ideal for a backyard, balcony or even for taking an oven on the go. The Ooni Karu range of multi-fuel ovens (includes the Karu 16, Karu 12 and Karu 12G) demonstrates this flame-taming ability quite nicely. When you light a fire in the fuel tray in the back of a Karu, air moves across the flame, through the oven, and up and out the chimney (called the “stack effect”). The movement of air, combined with the oven’s innovative design, creates a controlled, mini hurricane of super hot air that heats the Karu’s stone while cooking the top of your pizza.

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