Nutmeg Butter Sprouts

Nothing says ‘festive season’ quite like sprouts do. Whether you love or hate them, this nutmeg butter recipe is a must-try!
Nutmeg Butter Sprouts

Sprouts are contentious, it's true, but even those who profess undying hate might be tempted by these sweet, nutmeg butter sprouts. Cooked at a lower temperature in the Ooni sizzler pan, you’re left with delightfully soft sprouts that’ll pair perfectly with any festive meal.

Ooni Cast Iron Sizzler Pan

Serves 4 as a side dish

400g (14oz) Brussels sprouts, halved & outer leaves removed
100g (1 stick) butter
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
Freshly ground black pepper
Sea salt

Fire up your Ooni pizza oven. Aim for 200˚C (390˚F) on the stone baking board inside. You can check the temperature inside your Ooni quickly and easily using the Ooni Infrared Thermometer.

Place your Ooni sizzler pan inside the oven to preheat for a couple of minutes. Once the pan is warm, remove and add the butter. Once the butter has melted, add the sprouts, nutmeg, and a pinch of salt. Use tongs or a metal spoon to carefully coat the sprouts in the butter nutmeg mix.

Return the pan to the oven and cook for 12-15 minutes, or until the sprouts have softened and are lightly browned – be sure to turn the pan halfway and toss the sprouts every so often to ensure they cook evenly and don’t burn.

Remove the pan from the oven, and finish with a garnish of freshly ground black pepper. The sprouts can be served right from the pan – use the Sizzler’s fitted wooden board to rest the hot pan on your dining table.